Warmer Weather Means More Motorcyclists

Warmer weather is almost upon us, and warmer weather means more motorcyclists on the road.  As the driver of an automobile, you’ll want to keep your eyes open for motorcycles. One of the best ways to be aware of them is the sound. Motorcycles are loud for a reason - it’s meant to get your attention.  

Roughly 75% of all motorcycle crashes involve at least one car. Motorcycle riders are stereotyped as dare devils, but motorist negligence is the most common cause of collisions involving both cars and motorcycles.

Motorcycles are smaller, lower, and faster than cars. Should motorcycles be watching what cars around them are doing? Absolutely! But drivers who aren’t purposely aware of motorcycles can fail to see them.  

Some common accident situations are:

  • merging - respect the “zipper rule” and be courteous as well as careful.

  • changing lanes - look in all directions. This is why they call them blind spots.

  • turning left into traffic - taking a left turn requires extra caution to begin with. Don’t just look for cars, look for motorcycles, too.

  • going through an intersection - approach, come to a complete stop, pay attention to the actions of other vehicles at the intersection, and proceed slowly.

  • yield to the right of way - especially when entering and exiting the highway. Check both mirrors and windows. 

The statistics

Motorcyclists are more likely to be hurt or killed in an accident than car drivers. Chances of a fatality in a motorcycle accident are approximately 30 times higher than in a car. Motorcycle accidents have a staggering 80% injury/death rate, while car accidents have a 20% injury/death rate. Motorcyclists who survive an accident can have severe head injuries, complicated bone breaks, and egregious scarring.

How can you keep motorcyclists safe?

Here’s a list of tips on how to keep motorcyclists, and you, safe on the roads.

Obey the law. Respect the speed limit, and obey all posted traffic signs and signals like yield and stop signs.

Remove distractions. Even hands-free cell phone use needs your attention. Pull over if you need to make a call or answer a text.

Directions. Set up your GPS before you start driving and adjust your mirrors. 

Stop multi-tasking. Don’t eat, order Starbucks, or do your hair or makeup while driving. Not even at a red light.

Don’t drive under the influence. Any influence -  drugs, alcohol, or fatigue.

Always look twice. Technology is great, but it’s even better when you back it up by looking quickly over your shoulder. 

Use your turn signal. Do this before changing lanes or merging to allow the motorcyclist to anticipate traffic flow and find a safe lane position before changing lanes or merging.

A minor annoyance to a motorist could be a major hazard to a motorcyclist.

Potholes, gravel, wet or slippery surfaces, pavement seams, railroad crossings, and grooved pavement can alter the speed or lane position of a motorcycle.

Inclement weather impacts motorcyclists more severely than it does motorists.

Wind, rain, and snow can reduce visibility and make it difficult for motorcyclists to control their motorcycle on the road. They need extra room around them to react safely.

Motorcycles react differently than cars do. They need space so don’t tailgate. If you rear end a motorcycle, it can be fatal for the driver, even with a helmet.

Give motorcycle riders extra space in wet or windy weather conditions.

Attorneys Jim and Steve Brady & Associates is a knowledgeable and seasoned personal injury lawyer in Walpole, Massachusetts. Since 1985, Attorney Jim Brady has handled numerous motor vehicle and motorcycle accident cases, obtaining fantastic results for his clients.

As a top rated law firm, the team at Attorneys Jim and Steve Brady & Associates focuses on helping their clients attain the full measure of justice they deserve.

Schedule a call with us today so we can get you the full justice you deserve.


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