What it’s Like to Work with an Attorney

You are usually caught off guard by something when you need an attorney most, so it’s helpful to know what it’s like to work with an attorney. Whether you’re caught up in the excitement of purchasing real estate or handling a crisis such as personal injury on the job or an auto accident, these are both emotional situations.

At a time when you’re upset, scared, overwhelmed, injured, or in need of legal advice, an attorney guides you to think and act strategically. Being calm, factual, and proactive is part of their job. They provide reassurance when you’re stressed and dealing with high emotions.

Attorney Jim Brady and Associates of Walpole, Ma. make dealing with your case as simple as possible. Here’s how we work with clients.

Your first consultation is informative. We’ll gather some key information from you, listen, and provide answers to your questions. We’ll explain how we work with clients. If we’re not the best fit for your case, we’ll refer you to a lawyer we respect and trust that can help you.

Cost transparency. We will give you an estimate of the costs of your case, and provide a cost - benefit analysis so you know what your realistic return on investment will be. 

When you hire us, you work with us. We don’t pass you off to other attorneys or law interns in the practice. We are the practice. You will also communicate with our superb team of paralegals. We will create your legal strategy, discuss your options with you, accompany you to court, and negotiate on your behalf.

We educate you. It’s nice when someone steps up and helps you in a challenging situation, but you should know what’s going on with your legal case. We make sure you understand the process, the estimated timeline, and how we plan to get you the best outcome for the justice you deserve. You should have all the information necessary to make the best decisions regarding your case.

You know what’s happening. There’s nothing better than a case that moves along at a steady pace. But that’s not always how it goes. There can be delays and setbacks. If we need more information, if court dates change, or something else changes our initial plan we let you know right away.

You get the final say. We’ll explain what we think is the best way to handle your situation, and advise you on what to do to achieve the best results. We don’t make any important decisions until we have your go-ahead to do so. 

When you choose to work with Attorneys Jim and Steve Brady & Associates in Walpole, Ma., your best interests will always be front of mind for us. With 38 years of experience with cases in personal injury, workers’ comp, and real estate, we have tried and won hundreds of cases in the District and Superior Courts of Massachusetts. We are dedicated to helping our clients solve their problems efficiently, creatively, and with the highest standards of service and ethics.

Schedule a call with us today so we can get you the full justice you deserve.


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